Question for Mug Latherers

I can understand that mug lathering whips up a nice lather but does it have any benefits over face lathering?

I find that face lathering takes a little longer but will make sure all the hairs are prepped and that a mug can keep lather nice and hot however when mug lathering don't you move from the mug and lather on the face too losing some of the lather?

I had been mug lathering years ago and like the "whipped" feel you get from the lather but I feel that my face may prefer face lathering. I might try mug lathering again.

So im just curious as to why mug latherers prefer lathering with a mug.
I've done a lot of face lathering recently so during the past few days I thought I would give my face a bit of a rest. So I have had a short spell of building lather in a mug/bowl and just painting it on. I must confess it's been a real pleasure to enjoy the comfort that goes with a painting or to and fro motion. The quality of my shave has been every bit as good as when I face lather. So it's a bit more to wash up but that's no big deal.

I'm happy either way. It's nice to ring the changes.
A change is nice yes.

I'd also like to add that Im not intending this as a "Mug Vs Face" battle

Im just interested in the opinions. I like the warm easy feeling of mug lathering but I'd need to try it again and see how my face works with it.
I agree with Fido, it's nice to ring the changes but it doesn't have to be distinctly one or the other.
You can use the mug simply to keep your brush/lather warm after face lathering or you can also use a mixed method of half face and bowl lathering.
Both are good. Personally I tend to lather soaps on my face and creams in my scuttle. Even if face lathering I keep the brush warm between passes in the scuttle. I like to paint the lather on then massage into my beard with my finger tips.