Purchased my first DE razor!

hando said:
good good

uh-oh :roll:

just noticed, is that a tub of Lush shaving cream?

It's some Lush face cream that I have used for last year. It's called celestial and really suits me so I stick to what I know - it's really nice but am always open to new suggestions

I've used Lush's Cosmetic Lad moisturiser and thought it was good. Whatever works for you, but of course there's always new things to try. Don't listen to Hando. He's actually got a rare skin condition and hasn't a single hair on his body. Nobody knows why he hangs out here. He just does!! :shock:

Edit: Actually, just noticed that Hando thought it was Lush shaving cream, not moisturising cream. It is universally loathed so it was in fact a valid point. Still don't know what he's doing here.

I thought he was one of those crazy people that sat and said something extremely weird in between his sleeping.
I could be wrong.
Good stuff, I know a few of us might have scared you off the slant to begin with but this is a better route, you never know it might become your favourite all time razor but it's something to work towards using.
Good one, Steve. Seems like you are approaching this with a great deal of common sense, Take it easy and you'll be fine.

I see you're all sorted now. Before I got this far in the thread I was going to suggest lending you my Merkur Futur along with a mixture of blades I have left over from a sample pack. If you liked it you could have kept it in exchange for your slant. I see your gonna keep the slant anyway. I would perhaps suggest getting hold of a sample pack of blades, you should find a blade that suits you really well. However, you don't want to be changing too many variables as you start to get your technique down.

I've read mixed things about the slant and beginners, some say as long as your carefull and use a good technique it shouldn't be a problem.