Purchased my first DE razor!

Ian, thanks for your response - I suppose at the end of the day if I do not get on with the slant then i can always buy a 34C. Its only £25 (approx) at the end of the day!
You'll end up buying all sorts of razors before you settle on a favourite.

It's different horses for different courses. I actually agree with Ian (I even think that the 37C is very mild and certainly milder than the 34C) but don't get cocky, these things aren't multi-blade toys...do the basics right, prepare properly and take your time. Remember the 7 Ps!! The 37C and an Astra is a good combo which I can personally recommend.

I think that Antdad's loan offer is generous too and you may wish to consider it if the 37C is too much initially.

Don't panic!


I think that's a very good idea, and a very kind offer.


Thanks Antdad, i replied before seeing your post. Your offer is VERY generous. My order has been shipped and the 34C is out of stock until March. If i dont get on with the 37C i will get hold of you if that is alright?

Like you said - it's swings and round-abouts - I will try it and see how i get on. Whats right/wrong for one person might not be the same for another.

Thanks for all your help and Antdad's generous offer!
No problem, I wanted to panic you but was thwarted by the gentlemanly behaviour of the other members.

An element of doubt has now entered your mind and you will now take even greater care when using this razor and hopefully
get better shaves as a result.

All part of the plan? :?

welcome aboard fella

i agree with antdad, the slant shouldn't be your first DE.
i would also take him up on his offer and take the razor he'll send you

use that before even attempting the slant, honestly.

you'll get people telling you that the slant is nowt to be scared of but we don't know how clumsy you are :lol: so avoid it for now

if you've never wet-shaved properly before (just used canned goo and a fusion) i'd advise just using the brush and soap\cream first and stick to using whatever cartridges you've got until your lather making gets better
then get a blade sampler pack from here
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.connaughtshaving.com/samplepack.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.connaughtshaving.com/samplepack.html</a><!-- m -->

that'll do for now

good luck
Hi Steve
Antdad and Hando are right. The other brethern were being just too gentlemanly. I'm sure there was a collective gasp! when it was seen your first razor was a slant.

Take up AD's offer. If you start this malrkey wrongly, it could just put you off. Permanently, we don't wish that.

AD well in, truth sometimes hurts, but not as bad as your first DE shave with a slant. I was thinking "What if he has sideburns, hows he going to get them level?" I know for some of the more experienced chaps it appears foolproof, but, a nasty cut is possible with a razor used at an unnatural angle.

Steve, this is fun, honestly

Oh!TThrow the Merkur blade away. Bad! very bad.

Feeling like a bit of a plum right now to be honest! As for the clumsy-ness - not at all which is a plus on my side.

Thanks for the input mate, i'll bin the merkur blade and swap for the astra.

Im all undecided now and kind of pi55ed off that i ordered the "wrong" starter - should i just bite the bullet and buy the 34C and then try the slant when im a bit more experienced?
by all means try the Merkur blade but thet don't get a lot of love on here, only a couple of people like them.

before ordering the 34C, try the one antdad is offering you
No you should wait and exchange the Slant for the 34C when he has them in stock and then PM me.

Don't be pissed off, easy mistake to make given how it was described but the true test would be if anybody would recommend the slant as a starter razor and I'm fairly certain nobody would. Even those that like it.
Hello, another novice here only a few weeks into DE shaving.

I bought this cheap one to see if I got one with DE shaving which I do. I quickly decided was a little lightweigh and have already bought a better one and the lightweight one will primarily be in my travel bag. There is nothing much wrong with the shave from the lightweight one and quite easy, but the Edwin Jagger is much nicer to use and gives me a better shave.

I suspect that you will end up owning several different razors and if it were me I'd keep the slant for future use but get hold of another straight bar razor to build your technique with 1st.

I'd never even heard of a Slant razor till I was well into the swing of it...no one is right or wrong - we're all different; that's what makes it fun to argue and bicker.

My son started a few weeks ago with a Feather Portable and Feather blade, he takes his time, gets great shaves and has yet to nick himself. Would anyone recommend starting with a Feather? These things are not toys (as such) they do need care and respect and with that the Slant will do an equally good job as the 34C. Same blade, same prep, same face - just take care!

He has bought a first class piece of kit and he needs encouragement not to be told that he has made a mistake before he begins. How will he know that the 34C will be better before he even tries the 37C? Personally, I think the 34C is rather harsh in comparison.

This poor lad must be a quivering wreck by now, can we cut him some slack please?
Truth of the matter is, we don't know if purchasing a slant as a first razor is a mistake for Steve until he tries to shave with it.

IanM said:
Truth of the matter is, we don't know if purchasing a slant as a first razor is a mistake for Steve until he tries to shave with it.


Eggzackaley! I'll give it a whirl and see how I go - will report back (hopefully!!) on saturday after I've had my first shave.