
So how you getting on with the Proraso now? I tend to have it as a "go to". Never had a bad shave with it.

Audiolab I've bought myself a tube. It was gonna happen sooner or later.
I have just bought the green tub of cream. Using it so far with the pre shave cream and am really enjoying it.
Not too hard to face lather, a nice constant zingy feeling as it is reapplied. So far so good.
The pre/post cream made little to no difference to my shaves. For the price it commands, I don't rate it.

Their other products of balms and aftershave etc I recommend highly.
andyjreid said:
So how you getting on with the Proraso now? I tend to have it as a "go to". Never had a bad shave with it.

I've used it about a dozen times now and have to admit that I'm warming to the smell.
It is pleasant enough especially when the sun comes out, but to be honest I'm still not 100% sold on the shave I'm getting from it. My 'go to' for a long time now is Body Shop Maca Root which surprises me as I really dislike the smell, but it always performs.
Dandy Highwayman said:
to be honest I'm still not 100% sold on the shave I'm getting from it. My 'go to' for a long time now is Body Shop Maca Root which surprises me as I really dislike the smell, but it always performs.

Funny you should mention that, as I went to Proraso straight from Maca Root, and my shaves improved tenfold (ok, exaggerating just a bit) right away. Different strokes for different folks..

How true that is.
I've also come to realise that the cream/soap is only part of the equation. My best shaves come from a combinations of cream, razor and blade that seems to defy logic, but when you stumble upon them they really work.

Thanks to the generosity of ChopperHarris I have tried the Proraso cream together with a thin layer of the Pre Shave cream.

What a difference it makes. To start with it is incredibly mentholated with a powerful twang of eucalyptus. This seemed to develop as I applied the lather and was really cold on the face. If only we could have a hot summer day to use it.
The shave. Using a 2 day old Feather I got one of the smoothest most comfortable shaves I have ever had.
It is almost unbelievable the difference the pre shave cream makes, but put the 2 together and you have one of the best and most mentholated products on the market.

I'd like to also say thanks to Audiolab who sent me a generous slice of Klar Kabinett.
This is a lovely rose scented soap. Very easy to lather, gives a very smooth and not too rosey - nothing like as powerful as Trumpers Rose Cream. Another great product and I would certainly recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it.
I've just had a shave with Proraso and was thinking how good it is. I find it to be a consistently solid performer, I know I'm going to get a good shave with it, and I believe a monkey could get a good lather from it.

I wish they hadn't changed the scent when they reformulated it, but will probably buy it anyway once I've exhausted my stash of the old stuff.