
I have treated myself to a tube of Proraso and cracked it open at the weekend.
I'd been looking forward to this moment with great anticipation as Proraso is one of the legendary shaving products and seems to be universally acclaimed.

Well I'm sorry to have to say I was a little disappointed.
I gave it a wee sniff when I opened the tube and the fragrance was very faint, but that is very often the case and it comes to life as soon as you start lathering.
I was surprised to find the cream was a bit thin and gloopy, but I pressed on and squeezed enough onto my fingers for my shave - I generally face lather.
It lathered up up nicely and the scent came through a little more but still very mild.
I also thought it had less of that menthol tingle than either Ingrams or , dare I say it, Denim.
I used a 2 day old Feather that was in the razor and had given me a very good shave the day before using Via - a Portuguese supermarket cream made by Confianca.
The shave was nowhere near as smooth so today I changed the blade to a Dorco, but still no better shave.
Obviously it is early days and I'm going to experiment with other blades, but the first impression is not great and I'm left wondering what all the fuss is about.
The plus is the iconic green and white tube design which looks great in the bathroom :icon_razz:
Hi Dandy - I can't say I've tried the cream, so not really qualified to comment. However, I'm a big fan of the soap. It gives a lovely cushioned shave that I don't think can be faulted.

All that said, though, I agree on the menthol - there's a pleasant enough cool sensation, but it isn't knock your head off, clear the sinuses fresh. I find that the pre shave is much more mentholly - so much that I have used it to clear my nose during a cold (again, it's not Vick strong though.) I would recommend you try that - I use it for every shave with good results. Actually, if you want a splodge of the cream PM me and I'll sort you out a sample.
I like the Proraso range. One of the few where I prefer the cream to the soap.

The green cream is lightly menthol, I tried it only having used TOBS before and it was quite minty and menthol to me. However if I had tried other soaps maybe I would think different.

I do think it gives a great shave and find it easy to lather with. Not saying you are wrong, just t is not the soap for you. I would give it a couple of goes then decide if it isa keeper or not.

I recently bought some of the red box new formula, apparently a Sandlewood variety, not much Sandalwoood to me but I like Dr Harris Sandalwood so my nasal passages are scorched anyway.

Shame if it is not for you. If you want PM me and I will send you a slice of Klar Kabinet which is a soft Rose scented soap, apart from the scant they are comparable soaps and if Proraao doesn't suit you I think this might just be the alliterative.
I am with Audiolab on this one I finished my tube of Proraso cream last week and started on the tub I had, what a disappointment nowhere near as good as the cream if fact it is going to have to go. I am going to get another tube of cream and bin the tub.
How does the new formulation compare to the old one ?
I noticed no real performance difference between the new and old. Mind you the old tube was green menthol and the new one is sandalwood so hard to make a like for like comparison.

Still prefer the cream to the bowl any day.
Sorry guys, I've been away - half term - and lost touch with this thread a bit.

Also, because of the 100ml limit on liquids, creams etc in cabin baggage I haven't retried Proraso since my original post.

Just to clarify it was the cream I was using and not the soap, and my comments were really just 1st impressions. Something as classic as Proraso needs to be tried a lot more than a couple of shaves. Point taken on the lather Helveticum although I felt it whipped up nicely - maybe a little wet.

One of the things I've noticed is that you don't need to look like Santa Claus to get a smooth shave. Some soaps and creams work better with a thin slick layer.

Thanks also to ChopperHarris and Audiolab for your very kind offers, I'll be dropping you both a PM.
How does it compare to the soft soap ( if you have it )? I've yet to try them. I just checked sure enough sold out including the soft soaps. No worries though as I can source cream elsewhere.

A lot have said the Proraso and C.O.Bigelow is the same thing just the latter is mere rebranding of Proraso. Checked out ingredients and Proraso cream has "Amyl Cinnamal" and everything else is the same.

Just realised I'm running out of COB...looks like I've to fetch another.

Well, I can give you a tip from my experience - Proraso, being a genuine Italian product, likes passion You need to lather it vigorously to achieve excellence! Otherwise it's been a benchmark product for me performance-wise.
Hello Dandy. Used the Proraso white soft soap yesterday nice shave. After reading your topic I thought I'd try the cream. Have the Bigelow Cream which I believe is the same as the Proraso Cream and used it again this morning. Your RIGHT the cream isn't as good as the soap. Lather isn't bad but the cream definitely has less slide and cushion. not as good!
Interesting reading this site!
(hope you're have a nice Spring)
Helveticum said:
Well, I can give you a tip from my experience - Proraso, being a genuine Italian product, likes passion

Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a vigourous lathering on Sunday with some Pavorotti blaring out. :icon_razz: The rest of the family may not enjoy it, but it will be Father's Day so i can do what I choose - just for one day.

Johnus said:
(hope you're have a nice Spring)

Hi John. Good to hear from you.
I can't begin to describe how bad the weather has been, and still is, over here.
I hope you are basking in the warm spring sunshine, because we certainly aren't.