Professor Blighty's Formula 31 Blueberry and Strawberry

Hi everyone, bought both of these flavours lately, so decided to review them for everyone.
So I suppose best place to start is to talk price etc, Price is normally £7, but the generous Prof gives it to all TSR members for £5, for 100ml of Shaving cream (feels like more then 100ml though )

The tub is very clean and well presented, looks quite nice, the second you open the tub you are hit with the smell, both of my tubs were a very lovely fruity smell.
In the box with the creams is a guide on how to use the cream, I would really advice you follow this as it really does want a dry brush/very little amount of water so you don't create too thin a lather.

The lather when done correctly is extremely slick and feels lovely on the face, quite bubbly and sort of tingles of the face a little which feels very soft, the lather on the brush is enough for three passes with a couple of whips around the tub.

Throughout the entire shave the smell keeps present, very fruity and nice.

The shave it self is very nice due to the slickness and softness of the shave.

So overall great stuff, really glad I bought this soft soap, best cream I have used and the smell makes it such a pleasure to use.