Tuesday September 14, 2010
I got a tub of Martin's new coconut shaving cream and after shave yesterday. The minute i opened the lid i could smell the coconut fragrance
from about 18" away from my face. The tub is made from a high density plastic and has a secure screw on lid.
Normally, i use Martin's universal oil to prepare my face first, but he had told me that his new cream was very moisturising, so i decided to
forego the oil. I used my best silvertip badger brush to work up a great lather in my woodhead pottery scuttle, loaded my merkur futur with a
new feather blade, set it on 3 and had a smooth irritation free shave in two passes.
The after shave smelled mainly of alcohol for about a minute then the coconut fragrance kicked in. I was out for the day in pretty high winds
and a bit of a misty drizzle for about 6 hours with no loss of fragrance. My wife could still smell it on me for another 5 hours after that.
I have used Martin's hard soaps such as the barbarian blade, greenwood and strawberry which are ALL excellent but his new cream formula
is the bee's knees. I plan on buying the vanilla and the orange next.
In my humble SHAVEGEEK opinion, Martin's products are the best you can buy for the money and i have no hesitation in recommending them
to anyone. I have given a selection of blighty gear to family and friends for Christmas and have got good comments from everyone.

Tip of the hat to another Yank.

Martin forwarded me a sample of the coconut before Thanksgiving and I ran out a new brush with it. I know what you mean about the fragrance. It's a very slick soft soap and works up real easy - doesn't dry out; long lasting scent as you pointed out. In fact I was about to set up the morning shave with a Sandalwood cream but will go in with the coconut. Time to try Sara Bonnyman's Scuttle with that in mind. We had 3 inches of snow last night and there is a 4 hour delay to work. So time to celebrate as if on holiday. I have not tried any other of Martin's products but this is a new year and I promised I would. Now, off to a warm lather ....

Hi Bob,
GLAD TO HEAR IT!!! I have 2 soaps,1 cream,8 as's balms and oil from Martin.
Not only is his stuff great for the money, but a nice man as well,,,,I think he must be part American LOL.
His new line is really superb and I have been his greatest supporter on this forum since buying my first items from him.
In my most humble old age opinion, it is the best stuff you can buy and i have bought several items for family and friends.

Where are ya from??? I'm from Decatur Illinois but have been here for 35 years since getting out of the army

You guys make it sound like I wanna make some coconut shavings on some homemade cheesecake with the soap!.... :lol:



  • Coconut Cheesecake Slice-thumb-480x416-159.jpg
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Russ: Clinton, Iowa; above the Quad Cities. Right on the Mississippi River.

Blades: Then more soap please ...

I'll run out my new 1305 with a tub of the Professor's Coconut soap tomorrow. The 1305 does a dance with cream or soap with 4 shaves under its belt. I read he has brought new products on line.

Have been dealing with Martin recently, and ordered one of his coconut soap and aftershave sets, and very impressed I have been :shave Shave was excellent, lovely and moisturing and with no irritations, with a lovely tropical smell of coconut. Same with the aftershave, which went on with minimal burn (very pleasant actually) and, as I got in the car to go to work the day I used it, Mrs PompeyBill exclaimed to me 'You smell of coconut!!', (she didn't mean this in a bad way) so it obviously does the job.

Highly recommended :shave