Professor Blightys Bespoke Shaving Soap

I really really like it.

Its glycerin based, not tallow. So some will say it lacks a little "luxury", but I find it lathers really well, smells lovely, and comes in a great oversized bowl for lathering in.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

(I have the spanish limes soap - smells like chocolate lime sweets, and the endymion which smells a bit cinamon like but also has a nice hint of something I can only describe as "hubba bubba")
Incidently, his universal balsam is fantastic too, great pre-shave, and even better post shave.
I love the soap & balsam. If you like glycerin based soaps this is a winner, if you've never tried them then this would be an ideal opportunity to get a good value high performing soap at m8's rates. If you decide to try one out I'd suggest you drop Prof Blighty (Martin) a pm as he's a member of the forum & will advise you of scents & costs.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

I think it's a really good product, though as the first shave soap I have ever owned I have nothing to compare it to. I have the Scaramouche and this has a great scent. I even use the excess lather from my brush as a body wash. (Should I be confessing this :blush.

great soap, great guy, great experience. I have about about 4/5 soaps, 1 balm and 1 aftershave all his products are amongst my favourites. Im PIF my barbarian soap to the winner of the fantasy football league we have, if your invloved
I concur! :angel:

Great soaps, I have 2 which I alternate with Trumpers, for my personal preference I love the feel of the Trumpers, and other tallow soaps. Yet the scents of the Prof's is sheer luxury to me, not quite as much body as a tallow soap but real nice never the less.

Well worth a try IMO.
Received some yesterday... and whilst it's early days, I'm really not 100% sure that I like the scents. They are certainly different, but I need to give them a little more time. Not sure I like the Lamia, Hyperion smells like bubble gum, Coviello I'm not sure about... and I don't have the other one I got to hand.

One smelt good in the jar (let me go find it), but after using it I wasn't sure I like the smell that it left on my skin. Hard to explain this one... but nothing a good splash of aftershave didn't eradicate.

Lather wise, they were quite similar to Mama Bears, which probably makes sense given that they are both glycerin based. It probably was on a par with how it left my skin feeling afterwards.. pretty decent, but not great.

EDIT: Scaramouch was the one that smelt good in the jar, but I was unsure of after using it.