Prof Blighty's F31 Vanilla (& Orange too!)

Recently invested in a tub of the Professor's Formula 31 Vanilla shaving cream. While I was at it, I gave the Orange a go too. At the price point of this cream, you can afford to indulge. My findings were as follows:

PRICE: At £7inc on the Bay and with TSR members' offer of £5, you really can't go wrong. These are large tubs, as well.

PACKAGING: Large, no-nonsense plastic tubs, with a bright label on the lid. What more do you want? The tubs are wide, rather than high, so if you buy a few of these, they're easily and safely stackable. Once the cream is finished, the tubs would make a good, lightweight shave bowl for traveling on business etc.

FRAGRANCE: The Vanilla hits you right on opening - like an ice cream cone on a summer's day. If you like vanilla, you'll like this. The Orange was more subtle - more like an orange cream chocolate, than the full-on citrus experience you get with some creams/colognes. In both cases, the fragrance lasts to the end of the shave.

LATHER: First off, I should say that the cream is more of a soft soap than a cream in texture. A little difficult to work with at first, but if you follow the Prof's instructions, you'll get a superb lather, which you can tailor to your tastes by adding a little water as you go until it reaches that 'sweet spot'. The standard almond size blob will easily yield two passes, with enough for touch ups. The fact that I had to work a little, (I am very lazy), gains this a score of

FINISH: A clean shave, without dryness.

NOTES: Interestingly, the cream left absolutely no scummy residue on my razor or my bowl, and kit was easily rinsed clean after the shave. I live in a pretty hard water area, so this was quite remarkable. I've only seen this once before, and that was with St.Charles Shave Orange Zinger s/s. Must be something in the ingredients, I guess.

From time to time I come across a product that simply 'doesn't agree' with my skin in one way or another, and sad to say, this was one of them and I developed a slight soreness shortly after use.This is a real bugger, because I like this cream. From the rave reviews of this product, I know it works fine for others. It really is a shame, because I was looking forward to trying the other tantalising fragrances. That's sod's law, I suppose!
great review.

As you have mentioned the scent as long as you pick one you know you will love is amazing, i love how my brush still shaves of strawberry or blueberry (depending on which one is use) even after washing the brush and dried it.