
Tuesday June 21, 2016
How to I get enough privileges to be able to reply to threads in the BUY,TRADE,SELL forum? I am unable to so do right now.
The quick answer is to take part in the rest of the forum. The restriction is to make sure that only active members can use this part that relies on trust and reputation.
is this because I am a new member? If so how long do I have to wait?
I'm not sure of the exact time and contributions - from memory it's not too long, around a month I think with regular contributions to threads. It's a good idea in my opinion, not only stops the site attracting purely sellers but also what I thought I wanted to sell and buy was completely different to what I actually bought and sold once I'd learned from the massive knowledge base on here.
BST Sticky?? Hand shake?? I don't have an issue waiting as I agree with Purbeck but if there is something I should read where can I find it?
Thanks, though right now I don't want to sell anything, just buy. I will have to be patient I guess! Thanks to everyone for the help and information, it is appreciated.