
this might not be the place to post this ( :oops: ) but i've been having a clearout in the loft and found my old camera

Praktica TL3

any of you photography buffs interested in it or make use of it?
no idea what it's worth if anything

seems a shame to chuck it in the bin
Those generation of Praktica bodies were what I cut my teeth on as a trainee photographic repair technician back in the mid 80s. In fact, I still do some work for Praktica now.

They're not worth much, and it may depend upon what lens(es) you have with, but if nobody here wants it, stick it on Evilbay.

hando said:
Carl Zeiss Tessar
Jena 2.8\50

that'll mean something to somebody

Not a very fast lens, but good quality optics. Dozens of them about, though.

They used to suffer quite badly with oil on the iris blades, which causes the iris to go slow or stop working entirely. Turn the aperture dial to 16 or 22, and press the pin on the back of the lens, if the iris doesn't snap shut nice and quicky, it's got oil on it.

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