post your fav Olympic quotes

My favourite quote so far ( I am biased), seen in The Grauniad;
"sprinter François Pervis, who tweeted
"la sodomie continue"
(rough translation, "we got shafted again") after Jason Kenny's victory over Grégory Baugé in the match sprint final"

"It's in the bag." Peter Charles, when asked what he was thinking as he set out to jump the clear round needed to win the Gold Medal for the GB Show jumping team. That's the mentality of a winner. No false modesty.
Hugh Porter's description of GB beating the Australians in the Men's team pursuit as a "comprehensive drubbing".

More observation rather than a quote...

BBC commentator Michael Johnson giving Colin Jackson some jip after Jackson is cheering on the 100m mens final by repeatedly shouting..."Come on what's his name!" "Come on what's his name!". Johnson after the race retorts in disgust at his fellow commentator "You just had to pick one" (you thick Welsh twat) okay I added the last bit but I still pissed myself

What amused me more was Jackson calling Bolt "the big man" (accurate enough, I suppose)!
"You can never spend too much on elite sport. It will always be the greatest driver of sporting participation and we should be unashamed about that. Those British moments, those international moments that we've seen in those venues will do more than anything else to inspire people to take up sport," Lord Coe, on being appointed Olympic Legacy boss.

Sebastien Coe, MP 1992-97. said nothing contrary to his leaders selling off the bulk of 10,000 school playing fields. Supports current cuts in finance to grass roots sport. Only supported Lottery funding wholeheartedly.
Between the lines, more taxpayer funding to the privileged, while more ASBOs for kids with nowhere to play. A betrayal of all we wished for. Other lot sold off playing fields too, so no one left to defend the kids aspirations. Shame.
I'm just going to eat some shaving soap to get rid of the horrid taste in my mouth.
Well you may as well go the extra yard Tony and say not only is he a thick Welsh twat but he's black and gay as well.:icon_redface:


So Michael Johnson's Caucasian, is he? As for the gay - Jackson maintains he isn't. Is he a touch camp? Yes, but so is David Walliams - and he married a supermodel.
I think you are missing the point completely Chris. I think there would be a completely different response if the opening line was, and you should have heard that thick English twat Bradley Wiggins talking during one of his interviews.


I just want to clarify that I don't believe Jackson is a thick twat because he is Welsh, he just happens to be a bit of a thick twat as well as being Welsh. Lewis was exasperatingly awful too btw, on the track as well as screen she's always been a joyless automaton that sucks the life out of viewers like an alum block. Johnson by contrast has always been a class act, trod the line perfectly as a commentator on a foreign national broadcaster without turning into a daft sycophant.
He tweeted today:-

Chris Hoy ‏@chrishoy

Q&A with school kids; 1st question "do you know where Tom Daley lives?" 2nd question from different kid "do you know Tom Daley?" Brilliant!!
