Removed the Polsilver I used yesterday from from the EJ81 and put it in my Merkur Progress this morning. Set adjustment to circa 2+ (same setting as when using Astra SP blades) and had another close shave using the same pre and post shave setup as yesterday . Again, very close shave with a hint of redness after rinsing off, which soon subsided following the use of A/S and moisturiser.

Using Polsilver blade for third time this morning with same Merkur setup, had a great BBS shave, no redness. I am impressed.

Fourth shave with the Polsilver this morning, and the shaves just keep getting better!

Fifth shave on the Polsilver, and another DFS this morning.

In the interest of variety, I think I will try something new tomorrow ...
Thanks for the heads up on the Polsilver si, used tonight for the first time. Put one in my Progress and had a really smooth close shave with MWF soap. Think these are the best blades I've used I'll try one in my slim adjustable tomorrow.
Occams Razor said:
Thanks for the heads up on the Polsilver si, used tonight for the first time. Put one in my Progress and had a really smooth close shave with MWF soap. Think these are the best blades I've used I'll try one in my slim adjustable tomorrow.

Glad they work for you ;-)
I've had 12 shaves out of 1 blade, 9 from another. Usually 6 or 7 w/o irritation. A great blade, i've stopped searching for THE blade because i've found it