Polsilver Super Iridium

I've shaved with one of these all week (4 shaves out of it so far, all 3 pass) in my Edwin Jagger and it has been superb every time. Initially I was unsure if the great shaves were down to blade only or partly down to Prof Blighty's soap (also a switch to cold water after a hot bath) but I used Sterling Orange Chill thismorning and got another great shave.

So far these have been the best shaves I've had, slightly better for me than the Lab Blues and so far the only blade that has given me 3 or more comfortable shaves even this morning felt as good as the first.

Time will tell if the blades deserve all the credit and how they work in my other razors but at the moment it would seem they are the perfect fit with the Jagger.
Well this blade keeps on amazing me. It's been in my DE89 for at least 5, maybe 6 shaves now and the last shave was just as smooth as the first.

The first Polsilver I tried was a real disappointment, after reading all the praise on here I was expecting great things only to find it very uncomfortable and scratchy. It must have been a duff one, and I'm glad I tried another. Will have to see now, long term, if it was a one off or dodgy Polsilver blades pop up regularly.
Polsilver & Super Iridium blades are my ToGo blades......

Having said that, like other members have stated. It depends on which razors these suit, I have a quite a few DE razors. And I use different blades in each !!! This works for me.

Example i.e. I have a Pils razor and members have stated these are a mild razor but couple this with a Voskhod, this gives me a BBS shave. So too with another set-up
Feather AS D2 with a Personna Plat gives a great shave

All of these is a personal thing and your options will vary............

Charles. U.K