Photo of the day

The technical quality of the image is irrelevant for me, it's the photo that counts, i have to agree with Wayne on the B&W really draws the viewer's eye to the elegant subject...superb photo. Regards. B.
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In my early rebellious childhood days, whilst climbing to the top of a horse chestnut tree to shake off some prize conkers, only losing my footing & receiving two beauty shinners, along with a broken collar bone & a fractured left ankle..I was gving the name 'Tarzan' by the nurses who cared for my ailments....It wasn't too bad, i got a few weeks off school , ''swinging the lead" for a short time, until my father said, 'don't push it son' and had to return to school on crutches...Witch Hazel is excellent for bruising..she'll soon be on the mend.Regards.B
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