Photo of the day

Great pictures on this thread. I have decided to get back into photography but can't afford a up to date DSLR. About 12 years ago I owned two Fujifilm S2 Pros. Last week I was watching a review on Youtube of the S5 Pro by two Canadians who own a camera store in Calgary. The channel is The Camera Store TV or TCSTV for short. The review is great, funny and hilarious in parts. I coveted that camera at the time but it was well expensive. Anyway, after watching the review I went onto the bay and bought one and some lenses and other accessories. Some point soon my humble efforts may well appear here.
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Back in the day architects seemed to fancy themselves as photographers. My wife and I spent many a night viewing what seemed like an endless number of slides taken during an architect friend's then recent trip to Italy - most cathedrals and, God forbid, never a person in sight. After 45 minutes they all started to looked alike and we wished they would have gone maybe to Disneyland or the Grand Canyon. None came remotely close to the quality of the stuff you are doing. I once asked a friend if he still had his Leica. "No" he said, "I sold it". "I found I can take just as shitty pictures with a cheap camera".

@William Dobson - Interesting response - in fairness I was never subjected to a slide show. 'We wished they would have gone maybe to Disneyland or the Grand Canyon' - ha ha - yes, well put. Let's look on the bright side - the Leica might have moved on to someone that appreciates and uses it. I
Btw, how do you usually meter those shots? Regular, or compensated?

@Helveticum - Evening H. - 'how do you usually meter those shots?' - Sometimes I carry a hand-held meter and just measure the ambient light as I go along. Almost all my personal cameras are fully manual and need to be adjusted as appropriate. For reflection pictures - if you are just using the camera meter - expose for the highlights and the shadows will look after themselves. With b&w I over-expose the film by a third of a stop as standard. So - with FP4 - the meter would be set at 100 iso. You get a 'thicker' neg that scans better. Hope that answers your question. Cheers - I.