Peroni - the "Tilt" razor

After this week's Swing "1935 CC" usage I will be moving on to another razor next week and, up to bat is...

The M. Peroni

A little about the Peroni.
Here's what Waits says about it:

And here is a photo of the instructions that the razor comes with:

So, apart from looking cool and being made in France there isn't too much information available online.
Some sources estimates it to be from the early 1940's so until I'm able to get a better estimate on its age that's what I'm going with as well.

Some sources also speculate that the head was made by Gibbs in France and interestingly enough..this kit came with a package of Gibbs razor blades. Coincidence? Je ne sais pas....

This is a razor that I got really interested in after seeing how you can basically tilt the head to any angle that suits your shaving style. I don't think one can call it a 'slant' razor...maybe a 'tilt' razor?
The head is basically mounted ontop of a a ball joint that you can freely adjust to your preferred angle (both pitch and yaw).

Here's a video I captured, sorry for the poor production value, showing how easy it is to adjust the angle of the head. It is also very 'stiff' so once you have selected an angle it will not shift out of place just from shaving for instance as it requires some deliberate pressure to adjust it.


On to some photos of my razor:

It's a traditional three piece design:

Here shown tilted a bit:

I know it's very subjective of course - but I find it to be a very attractive razor - now I just have to figure out next week how it shaves...
Very handsome mantique...just not sure how useful the tilt mechanism actually is, perhaps you have to drink ten Peroni's to find out.
antdad said:
Very handsome mantique...just not sure how useful the tilt mechanism actually is, perhaps you have to drink ten Peroni's to find out.

Just what I was thinking - it doesn't seem to offer a great deal more than the wrist bone. What happens when you want to use the other side of the blade - do you swap the blade around or adjust the tilt mechanism?:icon_razz:
That is utter class - how unique a design is that! A wonderfully ludicrous and attractive razor. You've certainly got the eye for picking these eye catching pieces.

UKRob said:
Just what I was thinking - it doesn't seem to offer a great deal more than the wrist bone. What happens when you want to use the other side of the blade - do you swap the blade around or adjust the tilt mechanism?:icon_razz:

I don't know yet but it will be really interesting to use it as my daily razor next week to see how it all works in practice

Fixed the video link in the OP.
It should now show this one minute video of me playing around with the razor and showing the tilt mechanism a bit:


They...just magically appear..and whisper to me...

BUT, take the Peroni for instance, there is actually one very nice one being sold, no, not mine, on the 'Bay right now for about 30 USD (w/ original box, blade box, etc). If it sells for that it'll be a steal.
That is bloody gorgeous! Dam this forum, you sail through quite happy, then all of a sudden, you have a painful desire to own something you never even knew existed up to 3 minutes ago!!
StephenShave said:
That is bloody gorgeous! Dam this forum, you sail through quite happy, then all of a sudden, you have a painful desire to own something you never even knew existed up to 3 minutes ago!!

Yeah, it's like there should be a term or something for's like it's an acquisition disorder or something
Today was the first day of my week where I will only use the Peroni 'Tilt' razor.

Loading the blade showed a healthy bit of blade exposure as you can see below:

Lathered up with some amazing Soap Commander soap (one of my recent favorite soaps) and went to work.

I started out with the razor in a neutral 'tilt' - just straight and even - and proceeded with my WTG pass.
Sliding it down I immediately realized that this razor is no joke - this is a highly efficient razor.
I continued my pass and also continued to be in awe - I was practically DONE after one pass. That's how crazy efficient this razor was to me.

Compared to ALL the razors I've given a week-long test so far - this razor is a 9.9 on the efficiency scale but it somehow does it without being overly aggressive.

I played around with angling the razor head - pitching and yawing..and even though I rather liked it when I did a mini-XTG pass I did end up using it pretty much like a standard razor after the novelty had worn off. I do think there can be people out there that would really appreciate to be able to set the angle in pretty much any way the want. It surely didn't take away from the razor and I will get back to experiment with it more during this week.

I re-lathered and finished off my shave with an ATG pass and I was done. Smooth as an infant's behind.

So, today was a great experience and I really can't wait to continue trying it out this week (and yes, I'm sure I'll be angling away as well just for the fun of it).

Today's the last day of my week with the M.Peroni razor.
To sum it up in one word: Fantastic!

It really did climb to being the top-rated razor so far...sure, there are not so many of my razors that have gone through this one-week testing yet, but here's how it looks so far:

Still trying to make up my mind for what razor will get a go next week but am leaning toward the Famex from France....

Well, Senor Bulbosity,

That guy Steve of the bay rum fame is who you remind me of. As you know, here in the US many old razors are found in the wild. That's not true in Limeyland though......just the opposite. Rare to read about a member finding a store razor and not often with boot sales either. Did you use old Gillettes as sinkers when you would do some fishing?

Anyway, Steve would hit various boot sales and the like and he came up with plenty of wonderful things. The guy had a knack for it.....seriously. He visited the US once and found a 195 Bottom Dial in the wild for almost no money. He always had some interesting posts.

Heh, the members were always asking him where the hell those things came from but he kept things pretty vague. Very smart.
