Perceived value of high end brushes

...and yet in the UK and US where we have animal welfare legislation we still had an epizootic - bovine spongiform encephalopathy, caused by cattle being fed the remains of other cattle resulting in the fatal degeneration of the brain and spinal cords of some who consumed infected cattle. And in the states intensive pig farming results in a sow spending its entire life in a gestation or farrowing crate without contact with other pigs; easy to knock the Chinese and give-in to lazy stereotypes, but probably better looking closer to home first...
As I keep saying, no crticism it is your choice.
We both agree that animal welfare is more than important but businesses like PETA don't always help.
I have been called a tree hugger and a yoghurt knitter but when a charity becomes an entity that must make bigger profits than the previous year they have lost something.