Pasta Sauce Recipe

got this off a lad at work, made it tonight and it was jolly nice so i thought i'd share it with the chaps
think he said it was called Putanesca or something like that (apologies to any Italians if wrong)

you'll need

1. Olive Oil
2. Onion - large - sliced into half rings
3. Anchovies - small tin
4. Black Olives - pitted, about a dozen, chopped in half
5. Garlic - couple of cloves chopped or a teaspoon of the lazy stuff in the jar
6. Capers - jar again, about a dozen
7. Chopped Toms - one tin


heat the Oil in a pan and sweat the onions down for 10 mins over a low\med heat
add the garlic and anchovies and cook for another 5-10 mins
the anchovies should slowly melt
add the olives & capers, cook for a couple of mins
chuck in the toms
stir and add a touch of sugar if it tastes slightly bitter, i didn't need to
leave on a low heat while your pasta is cooking

we had it with venison meatballs which i browned first then just added to the sauce