Closed Pass Around: Merkur Slant list (enchanted)

The slant is now with me. It arrived on Tuesday, the postman must have had to lie in wait all morning for the 20 minute window when I actually left the house so he could dash in with his already filled out 'sorry we missed you' card. So, Wednesday I picked it up.

Many thanks to majortom for posting it on. Thanks also to Martin for kicking this whole thing off, it's a shame the original vintage slant dropped off the radar but I see by your acquisitions post that you've finally managed to locate another. And thanks also to the fine members of this forum who stepped up to replace the Enchantress and keep this pass around alive. There's a fine selection of blades in the box, I'm pleased to have the opportunity to pinch try a few of them. First shave with the slant will hopefully be over the weekend (if my beloved family will give me a moments peace...)
Just to check - what's the protocol on sending this to the US? I always had a vague notion that the pass arounds were UK-specific so as not to get lost in customs, overseas postal services etc. What of the fragrance samples in the box that contain alcohol?

What's the precedent, basically? Especially as it's about £14 a pop for tracked and delivery confirmation!
Good question Burgundy. I also thought this was a UK specific thing as the cost of postage to the US and back would almost pay for a slant anyway. Also, you wouldn't be able to ship the fragrances due to the alcohol (at least not by Royal Mail).

How about if you hold off on sending anything to the US. If you would please send me the member's name I will contact him and work something out for a loan from my arsenal. I just happen to have another slant to test drive on a short term basis.

Pass Around: Merkur Slant list (enchanted)

PM sent
The slant arrived with me a few days ago so again thanks to everyone involved in setting this up and in keping it going.

My first shave was rushed as I was running late for work so I thought a 2 pass shave would suffice as it would be closer than my normal 2 pass with a Weber. I have to say I felt a little disappointed as I could still feel stubble on my face. However my second run with it yesterday I had more time so had my usual 3 pass and was impressed. I normally do WTG, XTG then XTG in the opposite direction on my face and a combination of ATG and diagonally XTG on my neck. It gives me a close shave but I can still feel small areas of stubble where I can't go ATG. With the slant After the 3rd pass I felt completely BBS all over. I'm not sure if I could use this on a daily basis but I may buy one..........