Closed Pass Around: Hone Type 15 - Completed

The first thing to say today, after a second save, is how absolutely comfortable this razor is on the face. Truly! It feels good whilst shaving and my skin feels good after shaving - not a hint or whisper of irritation, virtually no sting from an alcohol a/s.

When I finished shaving, I thought i had gotten fairly close to a DFS but faceturbating now - a while later - I'd say I got better than DFS. And as I say, a great skin feeling.

This morning I played with angles according to where I was shaving - and thus a better result. I had the same problems with a short handle and high CG obviously, but felt warmer toward the razor.

Big problem though! Because I used a short loft large brush, the handle became soapy and so did my fingers. Toward the end of the third pass, I casually dipped the razor into the water and flicked off the excess - except the razor flew from my fingers! Not a Devonstan type flick fortunately and I got away without damage - but it frightened me! That is one heavy razor to hit porcelain - but it hit water and a washbasin tsunami was all that happened.

Many thanks for the opportunity to try your razor, Andrew. I congratulate you on the shaving geometry - it is a really comfortable shave. I wish you good fortune in your venture.

Mike - I'll get the razor back in it's box and on it's way to you.
Hi Carl,
Thank you very much for your words of encouragement, and another great write up of your experiences. You mentioned on your first shave that you found the grip excellent, and indeed you added lather to the handle to temper it slightly, do you think the slip today would have been similar with other razors, obviously weight being equal?

I'm glad you managed to get a comfortable and DFS on your second use. With this experience, who would you feel might suit the Type 15 if you were to recommend it?

Many Thanks,

@Hone - all my handles are knurled or have an end stop - think Pils or Redhorseman Swing.The grip on your Type 15 had me let my guard down - soapy fingers, not paying attention, slip. Other razors don't have the mass of a Type 15 and so wouldn't have the potential to damage porcelain. Stone handled shaving brushes present a similar threat! Arthritis in my thumb didn't help any, either.

To whom would I recommend the Type 15? Anybody who likes a very comfortable shave and who uses short handled razors and/or holds their razor close to the head.
Of course. And the list is closed again.

  1. Bechet
  2. mikebrownington
  3. rowlers
  4. Stacy555
  5. george
  6. Nico1970
  7. MPH
  8. Whosthedaddy
  9. Sir_eider
  10. DevonStan
  11. Dipesh
  12. Geofnay
List closed.

Legend: Currently with, On the way to, Completed, Waiting
  1. Bechet
  2. mikebrownington
  3. rowlers
  4. Stacy555
  5. george
  6. Nico1970
  7. MPH
  8. Whosthedaddy
  9. Sir_eider
  10. DevonStan
  11. Dipesh
  12. Geofnay
List closed.

Legend: Currently with, On the way to, Completed, Waiting
The Hone arrived safe and sound today and has had a bit of a test drive.

First impressions, straight out of the box it is beautiful and stunningly well engineered, I love the look of the brass and the finish is fantastic.

Picking it up out of the box, second impression is it's bloomin' heavy in general and as others have said very head heavy.

I had three days worth of growth to get rid of so gave it a good test out using a new Polsilver SI (my go to blade). On the first pass WTG I thought it felt more aggressive than others have said but in a good way with just enough blade feel, great audible feedback and a fairly intuitive angle. The large head did make it a little unwieldy under the nose but other than that it was a pleasant experience. Passes 2&3 proceeded without incident and were lovely and smooth, the head geometry for me is spot on and made the whole experience effortless - apart from one thing, the sheer effort of holding the beast up, I'm a big strong bugger with pretty strong hands and I was getting a bit of a cramp by the time I was finished!

The end result was superb, mainly BBS with minimal sting on the AS application. I look forward to getting to know it a little better.

At the moment I'd say it's not for me but if the same razor was produced in a different material i.e. Titanium or even Aluminium I'd be very tempted, a wee bit of tweaking to bring the ends of the safety bar closer to the blade ends would be nice too but not a deal breaker for me.

Will report back after its next outing!