Panta Rei

Good call. I do see a lot of Clarice Cliff in his work. Very nice.
Now this has gone far enough! Panta Rei is not reminiscent of Clarice Cliff in any way, shape or form other than bright colourways.

Please write one hundred lines each before supper, "Panta Rei is not reminiscent of Clarice Cliff."
Some of that persons work reminds me of my Flickr avatar that I designed myself about 8-9 years ago -

Could be a future in something here for me.
I must admit, I like some of the designs, they are different to everything else out there. Would I own one? Not sure. It's something I'd like to try before I buy if I'm honest, if nothing else, just to judge how it feels in the hand. I've seen some handle designs that are akin to the handle of say the B4/8/12 Kent brushes, which is more appealing to me than the standard cylindrical handle, as it looks to have some 'grip' due to the shape.

Yeah, I'm thinking maybe, maybe something like the barrel/bulbous one below;

..or maybe this 'vase' shape: