Palm stropping new blades.

Tuesday July 8, 2014
Hi fairly new to DE shaving and came across a few threads and YouTube videos on stropping new blades. Does anyone do this and does it make any difference? I can see it being a little dicey with DE blades. I have also heard you can do it after a shave to prolong the life of a blade but when blades cost so little is it worth the risk?

Apologies if there are lots of threads about this already.

I always palm strop a new blade a few times each side. I think it could prevent irritation from being too aggressive on its first use and even out the blade's performance throughout its life.
I don't thinks it's dangerous; I wouldn't do it pissed-up, mind.
Yes, usually plan strop a blade before I use it. It's not really a difficult thing to do . I'm right handed so I hold it with thumb and index in the middle of the blade and brush it against the bottom part of my left palm. Just a couple of times. You can also do it after you shave to strop, dry and transfer a little body oil to the blade.
Just worried that someone will be careless and slice a finger off.

Wipe as you would strop. Middle down And NOT around!!
In my experience, which is fairly limited admittedly, Palm stropping before the first use of a blade prevents any "scratchiness" you sometimes get on the first couple of strokes with a new blade.
... as per Smiler, I reckon palm stropping prepares the blade for that first shave and keeps it in order through its short lifetime. I ditch a DE after three (two pass) shaves. I palm strop routinely, SE blades, too.
palm stropping was the recommended process since Gillette created the flexible steel blade. And even after stainless blades and chrome coatings, part of cleaning the blade was a quick palm strop.
palm stropping was the recommended process since Gillette created the flexible steel blade. And even after stainless blades and chrome coatings, part of cleaning the blade was a quick palm strop.
Cleaning the blade of what? Palm stropping is much the same as straight razor users with a leather strop. The fact is, a DE blade should not really need it, but contact with a mild abrasive (skin) plus picking up some natural oils maybe does help.
in the original Gillette days it was the recommended way to get the factory oil off the blade edge. and later to make sure the blade was clean. part of the early cleaning manuals had the user rinse the blade off under water, then pat dry on a towel with a commonly seen palm strop to remove any residue from the edge.
It does help on some blades.