Pair of scales for vintage ERA ATOR ?

Tuesday February 8, 2011
I was wondering if anyone had a pair of vintage ERA ATOR scales they would care to sell me, I purchased this on off the Bay, but the scales had a hairline crack just by the pin on the tang, as soon as I tried to remove them it snapped in three places, the plastic was very very brittle, but the blade cleaned up lovely, if not i will use a vintage set off another German razor of the same period. I will show you a few shots of the blade. As you see it needs to go for the final polish I would expect it to come up looking really good.


pugh-the-special-one said:
Thanks Erik I have my eyes on a nice vintage pair of German scales in faux ivory, from the same period they would look nice.


You can try removing the detail from the old scales and transferring it across to the other scales you get
That would be a idea, but if you saw the scales, they looked really good, but the plastic had become so brittle they are almost un workable, thanks for the idea though.

pugh-the-special-one said:
That would be a idea, but if you saw the scales, they looked really good, but the plastic had become so brittle they are almost un workable, thanks for the idea though.


Well if they are what I think they are a soak in acetone will dissolve them, meaning a pair of tweezers will allow you to pick the inlay out.
I finally gave the ERN a pair of scales I had made for a previous razor, the acrylic blocks were kindly given to me by Graham AKA the Exile, so I removed them from a little folly blade I had rescaled and moved them onto the ERN, it's not the biggest razor length wise so it fitted these small scales perfectly, well here's the pic's.
