Paint stripper aftershaves!

Tuesday December 22, 2009
Just nearly burned the face off myself when I splashed some of Carrefour's green aftershave on thinking I was going to get the familiar tolerable alcohol 'burn' the I have been getting using Aqua Velva. Which aftershaves are notoriously severe? I found Weleda a shocker as well.
Olgallala Bay Rum with Limes and Peppercorns.

Trumper's Limes was a bit of a shock.

Blue Stratos has quite a kick, too.

Any alcohol based as will sting to a greater or lesser degree when applied to freshly shaved skin. If you want a burn free splash a wholly witch hazel beased as it the way to go.
henkverhaar said:
I love the bite of an alum stick or block...

It's strange, isn't it? An a/s or alum that can bite, but you keep going back for more. It's like curry. Sometimes you get one that has you in tears while you're eating it, but the next time you have one you order the same bloody one!

I wonder if it's the feeling of the pain subsiding that gives you a bit of a high, and that gets you craving more.
