Overhyped products???

I’ve been introduced to many products that I never knew existed via social media or other reviews from one source or another. It doesn’t mean I want to buy everything I see or read about but I'm interested to learn about new products and see whats available.
Regardless if a review is good or bad I purchase items that genuinely interest me and make my own mind up.
I think that pre-shave products are the only thing i wish i had never bought, really.

Didnt spend much or buy many, but came to the conclusion that you do just as well by using hot water, soap, or whatever is to hand to "soften that stubble". I kind of understand now why i have seen people advocate stuff like using hair conditioner or niche pre-shave products
, but i just use water and soap now, plus get some lather on early and let it sit a couple of mins while I sort the music out .

I have a part bottle of Proraso Menthol Pre-shave left, which i play with sometimes and it does have some effect, but i wont be replacing it when its gone.

I also think that allocating slow-time to a shave has more of an effect on the outcome than many other factors.

That's why i still keep a cartridge razor for shower shaves - they have a place in the modern world i think.
Do posters on this forum count as "influencers"? Because, judging by the numbers acquiring razors/soaps/blades on the basis of a photograph or opinion, later to be returned or 'moved on', they are!! A lot of self denial going on here!!

There was one Youtuber I watched religiously for a spell, until he went apeshit over PSF and lost his objectivity. He hasn't made a video in over a year. I don't really watch Youtubers anymore after that. Most are either "shilling" a product or they have some sort of "need" to be relevant. Of course, if you (to quote a tired phrase) follow the science there is no mystery to getting a great shave.
Even famous actors have gaps between productions. Poor Alex has to do something in between obviously!
Either that or the splash he uses has ovine sex hormones in it and sheepdem just follow him around. Sardinian Wool Fat shave set? Better ask his baaa-ber.
I spent my first years of working life in advertising, trying to influence people to drink Watney's Red, eat Milk Flakes and smoke JPS and Marlboro' cigarettes, followed by a spell of Vauxhall cars, French Golden Delicious, Golden Ltd products (aka L'Oreal), CoI Road safety, Goodyear tyres, Philips products and other stuff. Having been thus innoculated in early life, I am therefore completely impervious to influences of any sort.
What annoys me about the youtubers is most of them want you to like & subscribe yet they don’t come on these forums and like our sotd.
seems to all be a bit one sided
i like the Cube, especially the mentholated one as it also add the menthol kick to the mix. dont really like the shape as its bulky and difficult to handle when it gets small. is it a must buy, no it isnt
I do occasionally wonder about some of the YouTube shaving people - i have seen a few videos where they appear to shave remarkably quickly - whilst looking at the camera - then rinse off and declare it a fabulous shave / razor / soap

I find myself wondering if they are purposely using an old blunt blade or some other "cheat" , because i know that if i shaved that casually and quickly, my face would look like i had stood in the sun fighting a swarm of wasps....
I have watched a few YouTube videos on our hobby. Mainly when new, trying to see how to wield a straight razor without killing myself in the process. I sometimes watch them if it's a subject or product that interests me. But I have to be honest, I always feel slightly odd, thinking "what if my mates or the birds at work knew I spent my evenings watching middle aged geezers in vests shaving?!" It's a bit voyeuristic, at least to an outsider.

No Derek, sorry Clive. It does NOT give me the 'orn!
OK boys, if you don't know,
("Derek and Clive" live)
Are very adult funny men, not porn but pioneers, before monty python, the young ones, Eddie Murphy or Richard prior - late 60"s early 70's.
You will know them by their real names
Funny but knuckle close.
Google and utube are your friend.
If you have sayings akin to
" He has the devil on his back"
don't do it.
Better than shaving vids.
Laughing my cap off here, cheers @hotmetal for the memories.
Spiced Rum and Old Speckled Hen are helping me along tonight.