Other Hobbies

Bangor, Co. Down
I like photography and hiking and it's easy to combine the two enjoyable hobbies, bit I think this is one hike I won't be going on

:shock: :shock: That walk would take abit of nerv. One person was clipped to the rop at the side wasnt he? I take it the person with the camera wasnt :shock:

Im also a cyclist(as most will probably already know :roll: ) and i also do amateur radio. I took a break from the radio, but im trying to combine the cycling and radio now, not sure how that will go on.....
Used to collect watches but managed to wean myself off that!
Off road running and ultra marathons when I'm not working or looking after the kids.
Mostly I'm tech support to SWMBO's hobbies - keeping the CCTV in the birdbox running (and getting better performance than her pals over at the nestbox forums for considerably less cash outlay :lol: ), making it all easy for her to lift out the photos she wants, etc.

Also I get to take the wee man to all the educational & cultural events and museums (Sea Life Centre, Deep Sea World, Kelvingrove, Edinburgh Castle, cBeebies Live :roll: , Museum of Flight, Scottish Seabird Centre - Gannets!! :lol:, arranged an ascent of one of the support towers of a well-known suspension bridge for him too )

When I'm not busy with all those and I'm not having a shave or asleep, then I often found poking about in electronics repair and construction, photography, stargazing (I'm no astronomer - I know my way around the sky, but Sir Patrick has no danger here), fell/trail-walking, wildlife watching & wild camping when the need arises. (If you do this, buy a Kelly kettle - they're absolutely amazing bits of kit).
Paul, that video was amazing but made me feel sick just watching it! Partly it reminded me of another example of Spanish disrepair in Majorca. We were walking along some cliffs at a holiday resort and came across an old pill-box. My three year-old promptly ran in and turned left in to a room. We saw him peeping through one of the windows. Then I went in and turned right in to a different room. After a couple of metres the floor gave way to nothing, and looking down I saw crashing waves. I still feel nauseous imagining what could have happened if my little boy had run in and turned the other way. :shock:

As far as hobbies go, not a lot at the moment, but we have big plans for the garden and if things go OK I'll be spending a lot of my spare time outside with chickens, vegetables and fruit. :mrgreen:
Karate (25 years+)
Running - not far though
Kettlebells - big weights
Just looking into getting back into Warhammer 40k
I'm a practicing Odinist too
Hmmm my other hobbies are playing music (been at the guitar since about 6 years old), going to gigs, colognes and buying and listening to LP's.

Note, none of the above are particularly cheap so when I got into shaving SWMBO was delighted that I was getting into something a bit less pricey
music - just got a decent hi-fi after years of using a midi-system, so that's how it's supposed to sound :shock:

sport has taken a back seat after having surgery on both knees but i'll make a return soon as i was keen on badminton and miss it, also proper weight training not what you see all the steriod boys and muscle mag readers doing :roll:

can't think of owt else, guess i like a bit of everything

oh, whisky sampling at the moment as well, it's a long and rocky road i must travel