Other forums?

Shame if it arose from differences. We had one or two controversial characters in the early days but it settled down into a really enjoyable forum. All seems well now.
It was more todo with a particular moderator - a long standing forum member - who became over-zealous. I certainly took exception and have only recently started contributing again.
My particular aggravation was that he removed wording but left his own comments in place against the original posters name. You can imagine that it caused quite a bit of upset.

I had to look up the meaning of "somnolent" ...great description of SMF...
Main forums I use this one, atg and b&b how very I registered to quite a few but some are too quiet tbh

All the forums have their own benefits tbh, like I tend to create the same thread within the three forums because I've noticed I get different answers and perspectives, like this and atg are more British inclined and b&b is more full of yanks

I've never looked at those sections other sections mentioned on b&b tbh
Forums are good because if your someone like myself who's into shaving but dont know anyone in real life into it, it's good for knowledge and good to see people's reviews and experiences

Btw anyone know if any of the more popular wet shaving YouTubers like geofatboy etc are on these forums?
Or are they hidden under different aliases? Lol
There are a couple of good youtubers on this site with some great shaving videos.
B&B was the first shaving forum that I came across but the main problem I found was most of the shops they talked about or recommend was in the USA and p&p costs more than the thing you are buying. Then I came across TSR