Other forums?

Who introduced you to this forum?

He must be given an award for TSR Enabler of the Year for 2019.
I would love to see you on SOTD - it would be interesting to see what you shave with - you could always leave out the soap element?
Its been a while since I have posted, but TSR is the wet shaving forum of choice for me.

I love the welcome and community spirit; I have learned a hell of a lot and improved my technique from various posts and posters. I love that many posts bring out what wet shaving is/means to the poster at a personal level; the humour and humanity are second to none.

All the best to all, and long may TSR continue.

PS if anyone says wet shaving saves you money, laugh loud and long

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I have been out of touch for some time. When was the “schism” ? Who formed the ATG forum and when? Just curious.
This thread brought back some memories. During my blogging days in the noughties I joined several forums. among others here I was banned for life from Badger and Blade. I was accused of shilling after posts appeared speaking highly of my first New Forest brush. It was complete nonsense. I was also banned from SMF for several weeks for having the audacity of making implied criticism of Simpsons.
These days this is the only forum I look at. Still as good as ever.

A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization. ... Shills may be employed by salespeople and professional marketing campaigns.