OSP Aftershave

Both good, having decanted it into a pump spray I got a more measured amount. No problems with tackiness now either. Good aftershave and SWMBO likes it. Nice work James.
Reactions: OSP
Hi gents.

A few went yesterday. I have also included a small sample of some soap that will be coming out soon. Sorry they are not very generous, i didn't realise how short I was and had to share them out as even as possible.
I received my VERY generous aftershave sample and blob of soap. The aftershave scent matches the tub of OSP bay rum soap I've got.
The blob of sample soap smells very much like eucalyptus. Me likey! Thanks James!
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Sample arrived today thank you James. First impression is good. Not sure I have the bay rum, more peppermint and eucalyptus. Back tomorrow after I use soap and a/s in the morning.
Got mine today, thanks James, just in time for tomorrow's shave.
I'm not an expert on Bay Rum scents, but this has a much nicer and stronger scent than the ones I have, Benjamins and Boots. Like Erik said, like your soap.
Did you send the same soaps to all the testers as mine has a eucalyptus/menthol scent, with something else in the background.
I'll do a run with them hopefully tomorrow.
Well, I used the soap sample today and it made me cry.
Eucalyptus and menthol (is there tea tree oil in there?). The amount of menthol is a face-chiller and enough to bring tears to my eyes. I couldn't get a decent lather; too fizzy and collapsed like I had too much water. I had to keep going back to the soap to keep the lather stable. It certainly doesn't lather like the other OSP soaps I have.
The aftershave is very nice indeed. Enough scent to give a nice bay rum hit but fades within 10 minutes so it doesn't conflict with any cologne worn throughout the day. A touch too much glycerin though, leaves a slight tacky finish to the skin.
Reactions: OSP
went back to the a/s and it definitely does smell of bay rum very nice too
Maybe the bottle picked up the scent from the soap?

I tried my soap last night. It smells more of eucalyptus than menthol. Intial sniff reminded me of Olbas Oil.

I had no problems lathering it and some nice thick lather for the first pass. It did seem to breakdown on the brush before the second pass though. There was just enough for a second pass, but I don't think I could have got a third from it.

I had gone off menthol soaps ages ago and haven't used my Proraso green for ages, but I quite enjoyed this one. It felt colder than the Proraso, but it wasn't unpleasant.

When the lather was on my face there was a faint hint of the soapy smeĺl.

The AS smells great. A nice deep clovey scent.
Feels great on the face but left my hands a little tacky which I didn't like.

Thanks for the opportunity to test these James.
Reactions: OSP
Thanks gents. Good to know in almost there with the splash.

Looks like I'll need to go back to the drawing board with the soap though. Oh well!
I used the AS today for the first time after a shave using OSP bay rum soap. On very first splash I got a hint of some unpleasant aroma but it was extremely fleeting and was replaced by a nice clovey bay rum scent. I am by no means a bay rum aficionado but it is pleasant and very similar to the soap. No sting to speak of but there was perhaps a bit of tackiness as others have said but that soon went leaving my skin feeling rather nice.

Will give the soap a bash for my next shave!
Was going to do a SOTD post, but I thought it would be better here:
Cadman Synthetic, OSP - Sample soap, ER Natural Angle, Gem S/S #2, Alum rub, rinse, OSP Bay Rum - Tester, Neutrogena Comfort Balm

Knew it'd be a cooling shave, even the polar bear had a jumper on.

The soap had quite a strong menthol / eucalyptus scent. I pressed the sample into a small tub and loaded the brush from the tub and lathered in a bowl. This is where a hint of tea tree scent came out. There was enough slickness and cushioning and during the shave the menthol hit was really cooling, just like Erik described. But for me the lather lasted well beyond my three passes. The Bay Rum had a great scent, just like the soap, but left the face tacky after drying. So I agree with the other comments with the alcohol / glycerin ratio.
Great feedback. Thanks gents.

This soap is defeating me at the moment. It doesn't have much more menthol than my grapefruit, yet it seems to give inconsistent results. I think a bit more testing is in order!
sorry for the delay - didn't have access to a proper pc. ANYHOO - like the others i found the soap very chilling. it would be great for summer. the menthol/eucalyptus blast had my face tingling but in a good way. For me, the soap performed very well - stable lather, plenty of cushion. just as you would expect from OSP soaps. I think MrK1 is correct that my senses were blasted by the soap so I couldn't pick up the scent in the splash. on first opening I got a strong alcohol type smell, as in lab alcohol rather than the pleasant drinking stuff but this faded and what was left was a very nice Bayrum. I didn't find it tacky as others have mentioned. the scent was the right strength for me, a few minutes and gone. perfect. my skin felt suitable soothed and that was after using my blade for the 9th time will use again for tomorrow's shave. Overall, I would be proud of this spash James. It was unusual to have a bayrum that was clear though - the others i have used have been golden/brown