Origin of the Made in England Elephant Ivory Razor Case??

I have admired these cases ever since I saw one and have owned this one for a number of years. I have not found much regarding the history of them and who may have manufactured these. The razor is “Made in England” and these cases were made in the 20s/30’s. (If anyone has photos of other models it would be great to see them here.)

I have visited Mr Razors site and am not looking for photos from there thanks, but I would be happy to learn more about the origins of these cases if anyone has some good intel. Thanks!

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This set is pictured in The Book. The Safety Razor Compendium by Robert Waits. (For me it is indeed ‘The Book’)

Pretty sure this one is made in England as well.
Thank you for the pic @pjgh I get a little mixed up bw the Made in England New Deluxe and New RFB - these last two are both NEW razors made in early 30s yes? I wonder with the first set if it was made as early as 1921 or so suggesting that these cases were made as much as 10 years apart, or if the 3 pin Tuckaway could have been right at the end of the New Improved period as the NEWs arrived on scene, making the cases made in the same period rather than 10 yrs apart?

There are different latches between #1 and #s2/3 suggesting different time frames. Who has the key to our mystery?

These would be hand cut without any CAD/CNC technology, and they are impressively well done.
So it is rumoured. Clearly, the 'New' was not very good under the nose.
I remember from reading his valet's memoirs there was some strange ritual with DE blades but I don't recall exactly... It's been years. I think he had a habit of using a different blade per pass.

That's a red flag right there, only a wrong 'un does something like that.