OneBlade Razor

I guess as I own a Cobra, the OneBlade on the surface looked like an enhancement to the idea. hence spiking my curiosity. Interesting that the one blade used in the OB is poor. Building a razor around a poor blade has to have a driving force ? Maybe the blades are cheaper to manufacture ?
I strongly Suspect that the Feather Razor Company were in on the Design..Simple as That..They were selling a Blade that was stuck on the Shelves..Lets get together Folks & a Design a Contraption made of Stainless to sell these Crappy blades we cant get rid of..Bump the prices up & make sure that no other blade will Fit it Properly..Stroke of Genious Really..

In Fact..I Don't Suspect..I am Convinced that Feather were in on This..


Feather have a very good reputation though ? Or is this more hype I've fallen for ? You could be about to strike two razors off my wish list in one swoop !
Feather have a very good reputation though ? Or is this more hype I've fallen for ? You could be about to strike two razors off my wish list in one swoop !
I have explained..The Feather SE Blade that the OneBlade uses is not like the Pro Blades..Pro blades are Excellent blades..Another thing...Feather make No Claims on their Website about anything..Forums are Guilty of Hyping all things Feather..Not the Company..Feather also sell 200 - 300 Quid Razors that a 10 Pound Gillette Tech would Blow Away..

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Yes, it was a decent explanation - I'm waiting for someone with a OneBlade to chime in and put a counter argument but I guess I'll be waiting a long time....

The onblade is a great razor and the feather blades are awesome, get one and ignore Billy, he doesnt know what hes talking about
I have to admit, I have seen so much hyping of this razor that it makes my head hurt.

And it is true, there is a large core segment of supporters who post from site to site, and have become great supporters after receiving their free "test" razors in the mail.

you have a razor, that is made for one blade. a blade no one likes much at all. But can use heavily modified gem blades.

its like buying a mint rhodium toggle, and having to sign a form that if you use it, you can only use lord racer or derby blades.
The debate over the OneBlade has been going on hot both here and there. The only way to make up my own mind is... well... I made the leap. If it doesn't suit me, it's up for grabs on BST for closer to 200 than 300 dollars. If I find that it was worth the 254 dollars, we'll, then I just got me a new razor. But it is, regardless, an insanely expensive razor.

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I think the reason its so expensive is the amount it cost in R&D etc to get it to market first time. With a lot of kickstarter razors i have seen, they try and produce it as cheap as possible to sell it to a wider audience, however, as we all know, this is not always the right way to go, ask Rockwell amongst others.
Rockwell have been plagued with issues - I'm currently awaiting a replacement for my dodgy 6S, which has now been delayed until end of May due to QC issues. On the flipside however it's excellent service from Rockwell as they are standing by their product and now only sending out razors that meet their standards.