OMG! - Neep Brush - it's beautiful!

Damn you evil , evil men. Feeling enabled and being broke has to be one of the worst feelings in the world.

That is one gorgeous brush and if Santa makes a nice donation I may have to order one in either the Lapis or if it's a really good donation the Kingfisher Burl and if not I think I'm going to have a whole troupe of primates on my back for some time to come.
I have just laid my hands on my brush this afternoon. wowsers - the diff in bristle compared to the brush i have using is like night and day. Tried a test lather and i may have to alter method somewhat - it exploded into lather instantly but the brush retained so much water - i'll have to ring it out more sternly before lathering i think.
Great brush - i'm so pleased

Neep you are a true artist! Many thanks
Just received a gorgeous Charcoal and Pearl Tall Beaker 26mm Extra Silvertip with 47mm loft. A Christmas present from Mrs majortom so not allowed to open it till 25th.
Northam Saint said:
Don't. Know if anyone is aware but Rod is currently in hospital. Appears to be unexpected and heart related. From the picture from the hospital he looks well and on the mend. Best wishes to Rod if he's looking in.

Had no idea, Best wishes - hope he is on the mend!