Omega Brushes

I suspect they are all good but like any boar brush they will need a month to break in. I say Boar as Connaught don't sell Badger.

I have the 80152 its a great brush but I mostly use synthetics now.
Fantastic brushes.

If you want a small knot, and a cheap introduction to boars, then the 10065 is excellent.

If you want a bigger knot, with a great handle, then the 20102 is a good bet. I've not tried a 49 yet but I've heard good things about them. I currently own 4 Omegas, but I've owned more and they have all been excellent brushes, my current favourite is between the 20102 and the 98. I face lather with all of them, and occasionally bowl lather too and they cope with it all.

These break in a LOT quicker than Semogue brushes.
I have a 10065 and agree that it is astonishing value for money; the only criticism that I have is the handle. Were I buying again, I would be tempted to spend an extra few quid and get something like the 49 or the 98, which I would imagine are better in this regard.


I've just ordered the 98. It looks like a beauty.

Guys, thanks for all the feedback.

Good choice, sir. It can hold a ridiculous amount of lather, and the big handle is real nice too. Enjoy it!
Enjoy your new boar!
I got all these Omega "Premium series" piggies from Connaught's. They were selling them off some time ago. I love them all.

From left to right
13636, 13640, 13637,
13635, 13639


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I have the Premier No. 37 I bought in Connaughts clearance but whereas it has the nicest handle of the Omegas I own it's also the worst one for me. Just not gone on with it.

I have two others, the 80080 (which I think is now a different model number) and a pro 49.

I've been using the 80080 regularly at weekends and it's a great brush. Came with a plastic holder and change from a tenner. Can't be bad.

the Pro 49 was my first post Fusion shave brush and my move away from using the Wilkinson Sword brush from the previous 3 years or so. It was a real game changer.

I think the reaosn I don't like the No.37 is because it's has the dyed badger stripe in it. Boars shouldn't pretend to be badgers (ok that may just be me).
I've got a 49 (only been wet shaving for a few weeks). I've got nothing to compare it to but it's very comfortable and pleasant to use. Two points about it:

*It's too big for most stands.
*My first few shaves with it were very painful and uncomfortable, which by a process of elimination I've put down to the chemicals used to sterilise the bristle. My face was burning, red, blotchy and I almost gave up on wet shaving there and then. Repeated, thorough shampooing has sorted it out.
Griffo said:
I think the reaosn I don't like the No.37 is because it's has the dyed badger stripe in it. Boars shouldn't pretend to be badgers (ok that may just be me).

No, I'm the same: if you want a badger, get a badger; a boar is a different beast (literally and metaphorically) and shouldn't pretend to be something that it is not.
