Olive leaf tea

Has anyone tried olive leaf tea? I bought some of the Mirabilia brand from the local health food shop and love it. The leaves are very hard and dry, so need brewing for about 15 minutes.It makes a green tea-like drink which is caffeine-free and supposedly high in healthy antioxidants . You don't need much, so although it seems expensive a packet will last a while.
I might try grinding the leaves with a pestle and mortar next and try a matcha-style infusion.
Can't wait for my next holiday to Greece- will get a whole load for free!
Not tried Olive leaf but do use Aloysia leaves which is one of my favourites. You only need a couple of leaves per cup, brew time about 4 mins.
I picked them up while on holiday in Greece for pennies and are ready available. Another flavour I found great from Greece is Dictamus.

I never tried grinding the leaves but I wouldn't recommend it, I reckon that would release some nasties into the tea.