Old Spice\Blue Stratos

Rev-O said:
I used to nick Blue Stratos as a teenage shoplifter.

Just thought I confess that.

" I'm just a teenage shoplifter baybee, listen to Iron Maiden maybe"

Sorry Ol, don't know where that came from. :shock:

Still as your boss once said " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone "

And I'm still ducking


The Sunday school boy formerly known as Rangers62
Sex Panther arrived today

thanks Nik

as a side note i bought some of Superdrugs own brand basic a\s yesterday, Forest Fresh, and that got almost as high a rating from Mrs H as the Blue Stratos :roll:

i'm going to do a mini-world cup of after shaves with her nose to see what's what in Ladyland these days, she hasn't fallen into the metrosexual man thing that's for sure.

either that or i'll fire up the Quattro and take her for a spin
would have to drive there with the windows up otherwise i'd be dragged from the car and ravished before gettng to the end of the road

again :lol:
so that's why you drive about with a shitty stick under the passenger seat? I understand now.

mind you i can't have all you lot going round smelling as delicious as me :?

i'll be writing to Parfams Bleue
I was in T.J Hughes yesterday, and saw bottles of Denim for about £4.00. God alone knows how I walked out of there without any.

Jim (aka JDE) very kindly sent me some original OS to try, well to be honest i was expecting a de-cant but damn near got a full bottle of Shultons

first whiff = memories

sunday bath night after the old man had shaved
xmas shopping for him - Old Spice again :roll: :lol:

that's what it's all about for me.