Old geezer cap

I have a two flat caps, one bought in The Hat Shop - York, and another from The English Hatter in Amstelveen, Netherlands. No idea of the makers. I am definitely checking out Kempadoo Millar and Lawrence & Foster. My last Panama was a Failsworth, as I have boxed up my other two. This winter I used a Cashmere beeny instead of my flat caps.
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I'm a fairly easy going chap but I'm not sure I'd give an English Hater my custom, the Dutch usually like us any way
I tried to make an appointment for Kempadoo Millar, but without success, for Saturday. I even popped in on the way to the Bradford Dragonboat race festival, but they were closed. Today, I made an appointment with Lawrence & Foster. It's really just entering a factory, choosing a style and the fabric. I went for a local Abraham Moon cloth. It would appear some of the Kempadoo Millar products are made by Lawrence & Foster. They also do CMT/ Cut Make Trim. You supply the material. It should arrive by the weekend.
I kind of fancied myself when I strolled along la Promenade des Anglais wearing it.

Wouldn't work on the Strand Road in Bootle.

Hats are a reluctant kind of matter with me. The nearest to 'old geezer' I have is a battered 60's item from a charity shop. Then again I am a battered old geezer from the 60's so it kind of works.
As Kipling said ‘only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun'.