Oiling a TTO Mechaninsm

Some TTO's I purchased via ebay arrived today and a couple of them (a Parat and a Black Handled Super Speed) are a bit squeaky when the TTO mechanism is operated.

I was wondering what the best way of lubricating the mechanism is and have a couple of specific questions, namely; what type of oil would be best and whether it is best to soak the whole razor in oil (as I've read about on another forum) or just apply oil where it is needed (and if so, where specifically)?
I have found with mine a good few blasts in the ultrasonic cleaner has done the trick. I would imagine oil would just collect crud, but I could be wrong as I have never oiled a razor.
Oddly enough I have about 20 TTO razors, but am currently back to using my first ever DE razor, a Merkur Futur, everyday as it seems to work for me very well these days.
Use mineral oil, you can get it at pharmacy/druggist. If you put razor head in after a shave also makes blades last longer, is non reactive. Not effected by sunlight, will not go rancid (like animal fat or vegetable oils) , does not hurt you ( like carbon based oils oils can). You can pick up a dropper at same time. the bottle they sell will last you the rest of your life.
I use Jhonson's baby oil as it is also Mineral oil (with added fragrance) and is generally cheaper than ordinary mineral oil.

Have also soaked a Fatboy which was really stiff in a bath of mineral oil which did the trick nicely. I just poured the soaking oil back in the bottle when I had finished.

The smell is nice!

Yep, that's what I use with very good results. I've read it's not recommended using stuff like WD40 or other lubricants like that.

All I use is 'Clipper Oil' very cheap from any hair dressing suppliers. Used for electric or hand operated hair clippers. Smells nice as well. :icon_wink:

wouldn't last long here

stepdad would borrow and use the whole bottle in a day at a water park (would cover himself in oil to go quicker)
Thanks for your help and suggestions guys.

I've experimented with some Baby Oil and 3-in-1 oil I had lying around.

The 3-in-1 seemed to penetrate better and shifted a fair amount on embedded gunk which was still present after an overnight soak in Baby Oil.
ishmael said:
does not hurt you ( like carbon based oils oils can)

Chemically speaking all oils are carbon-based (it's part of the definition of what makes an oil) - it's a fundamental part of all oils that they're made of long-chain molecules based on carbon molecules.

Olive oil - carbon-based
Peppermint oil - carbon-based
Mineral oil - carbon-based (usually distilled from crude petroleum 15-40 carbon atoms per chain)
Ballistol - carbon-based
Diesel - carbon-based (typically distilled from crude petroleum 8-21 carbon atoms per chain, but could be made from a vegetable oil esterised with methanol or ethanol)

Where they differ is in what's attached to the chain (what you think of as "oil" could be an ester, a fatty acid, a nitrated/sulphated/halogenated alkane/alkene/alkyne/aromatic) - I'd be less keen to smear diesel on my face than "mineral oil" though... I'm sure an organic chemist will be along soon to fill in some blanks.

I use a good soak in water and washing up liquid followed by a few blasts in an ultrasonic cleaner to get rid of the crud.

I use the baby oil to "lube up" before a final polishing.