Oh my god...

There was, I think, a Dio sing which included the lyric "mix a little truth with many lies".
I reckon he has a wronged friend who spent those three and a half weeks explaining and reinforcing that explanation before he recorded that skit. I reckon the hypothetical friend was only moderately winded though. Else he may not have been able to publish his straight razor shave video (jeeze... Horrid thought... Perhaps he had since attempted to make that one)

Poor sod.
Less haste required of Tom, me thinks.
I'm comfortable with the plethora of "he" variants, although I understand that they may not make for gentle reading. I shall endeavour to be kind and use paragraphs next time. I suppose I should forewarn that there shall inevitably be a time when I'm unwell and write some long steam of consciousness that will be a veritable punctuation desert. When that occurs, I beg kind forgiveness (I am comfortable explaining that in a pm, @Brechet)

However, I rather need to proof read when using this keyboard type (SwiftKey) on my phone...
For "Dio sing which" was intended as "Dio song which"
Likewise "only moderately winded though " would have been far more effective as my desired text, "only moderately wronged, though ".

Hopefully with the above substitutions, my post becomes closer to being digestible.

Thanks for the flag.
Beard reduction and not pressing the razor into the other side of his face, and shaving more than like once in the month would probably help, I think B&B have a new victim......convert, convert that's what I meant
I think you are all very harsh on him - he was obviously very sincere in what he was doing - even if a bit misguided. When he finds out about brushes and soap lathering I fully expect him to become a shaving guru.

At least he doesn't find it necessary to wear a bandanna to annoy people.