Official Straight Shave #1


Attempted my first straight shave today with a wonderful pif from a friend it was with a kropp i only attemted my cheeks and finished with my de but wow what a wonderful blade

my first thoughts

it may take more time but once mastered it will be fantastic using this on a regular basis

any tips or techniques to master

Stropping. Harder to do right than shaving! Plenty of practice, and when you think you're applying light pressure on the strop go lighter.

Try not to get overconfident with the shaving, complacency is your enemy at this stage.

(Speaking from experience)

I'd echo stropping being vitally important and so much worth stressing at this stage ... light touch and let the razor glide along the leather. Smooth and sharp. With that blade, your shave won't stick or jump; just stroke it down your skin and let it do its thing.

The main thing is discipline - set a goal and don't overstretch, don't push it. If your goal is straight down your cheeks and jaw, do it. Don't proceed around your mouth or down your neck until that is within what you want to achieve in that shave. Take time and set your space - no distractions. In the early stages, if you catch yourself ... stop. Concentrate on small steps and the rest will come.
Just keep using it and muscle memory as well as facial recognition will become more apparent. Also if it feels you have to push the blade change the angle of attack dpmt force the blade.
Those kropps are very nice blades. I started by shaving cheeks for a couple of weeks and finishing with a DE. Just takes time and patience. It feels good to get that first straight shave out of the way though.

thanks for the speedy replies it does indeed feel good to get the first one out the way i will keep practising just waiting for my strop to arrive
That kropp isn't the prettiest I had but it did give me a lot of nice shaves. Glad you're enjoying the experience. The guys are already echoing what we discussed reference stropping. Keep us upto date with your progress mate