October 2016 Acquisitions

Received a big box...

..and inside was this, subjectively, handsome beast - the Merkur Vision 2000. Discontinued in 2014.

This was the first time I saw a Vision in person and I was pleasantly surprised at that even though this is a huge razor it still felt very well balanced and comfortable to hold...

This, should be interesting...
Also received this Gillette Goodwill yesterday.
I have rather high re-plate hopes for this one. We'll see in November how it turns out (it will be plated in 24K gold with a high shine).

The head looks good - no deep scratches, dents or bent/missing teeth:

I am however a bit up in the air as far as the handle goes..
As you might be able to tell in the photo below there is a fine hairline crack at the top of the handle.

To my untrained eyes it appears to be a shallow and stable crack so if possible I'd like to keep the original handle with the head as it has the same patent and country information on the handle as on the base plate:

We'll see what the re-plating expert comes back with.
At the opposite end of the spectrum in termd of availability, I thought I'd get a hold of a Wilkinson Sword Classic DE razor. £4.50 from Wilkinson Sword direct (p & p free) and some WS blades as part of the package. Cheap as chips and good for a travel razor. I haven't tried it yet, but I believe it's a mild one; so it probably needs pairing with a keener scraper.

Oh, and a 'wooden' bowl of TOBS Sandalwood Soap. Just over £8 on Amazon.
Not exactly a massive purchase but thought I'd share as there was a discussion about it recently.

I managed to find some 100% pure Argan oil at the reasonable price of £2.50 for 50ml. Wilkinsons as you can see, the price per ml might not be as good but considering the amount I'll be using 50ml is fine and the price wouldn't break the bank
I am awaiting one of those Feather Artist ss razors plus blades,

ordered directly from Japan, with a pack of 15 pro guard blades, though I ordered 2 packs of the feather professional blades as well,
I did consider the imitation ones, but by the time you added blades, there was not much difference, plus I had a £15 off ebay voucher(minimum spend £75), so it came to just over £67, no doubt I will be stung by the Royal Mail though
A very easy razor to use for me and always gives great results.

My Ruski Arrived Today...Its Mint Man...Like Brand New...These are the Hardest Most Stubborn Steel SRs I have Ever Honed...Makes Swedish like Pussy Cat Steel..Anyway..I Set the Bevel on the 1 K Naniwa & its Cutting Hanging Hairs before I Even Put it on the Progression..

Its One Serious Commie Quality SR...Brass Pins & the Grind is Excellent..I Could Shave with this SR Right Now just off the 1 K Stone..

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