
Just wondering what kind of diaries and/or notepads you chaps use?

I got introduced to Moleskine when I got an 18 month pocket notebook in an Amazon offer last year - and just purchased the 12 month version for 2014. Was sorely tempted to get the Hobbit limited edition version

but decided not to since they don't do it in a weekly notebook version
I'm aware I may be stoking the fires of some poor sod's latest NAD (notebook acquisition disorder) but hey-ho :icon_razz:
Another Moleskine user here and have been for several years, this year it's a Star Wars one. I've an address book too which is my hard copy incase of worse case scenario and a complete technological breakdown. I also have a couple of their note pads. Excellent quality all round.

SWMBO also likes the page a day ones.
I use a Moleskine diary; it easily fits in a jacket pocket and has a 'hard copy' of addresses and phone numbers in the pocket at the back, which is where I also stuff postage stamps and all the other dwang that I pick up along the way - the elastic 'keeper' makes sure none of it gets lost. For notes I use those red 'Silvine' notebooks - very light, fit in a jacket, cheap as chips and made in Britain.

I use Rhodia and the Nu: ones which you can get in Tesco which I think are great for the price. Paperchase have some nice own brand stuff as well and the delivery is both reasonable and fast from their online store if like me you don't have a branch local. I refuse to buy a Moleskine, just because! Unfortunately that's all you really see locally.
I currently use a Sigel Conceptum notebook. Very fountain pen friendly, and nice paper. My only complaint is that it's slightly smaller than a sheet of A4 paper, so that sheets stick out a bit.
Still using my old brown leather Filofax binder. It has everything I need including safe storage for credit cards, stamps, what have you, it won't break or crash, and is more difficult to lose than a smartphone.