not the best start!

Thank you

Excellent advice here. Remember, in addition to the above, short strokes over skin that's protected by well hydrated and slick lather. Most problems with lather can be resolved by adding more product, don't skimp on the soap or cream. Slick lather is your first and most important line of defense. Also, light strokes, holding the razor at the right angle with just enough pressure to prevent the blade skipping across the skin. If you find the blade is catching and tugging, then change the blade and if new, try something sharper. Go WTG and XTG till you start getting irritation free shaves before going ATG. Proper prep (shower/hot-towel/pre-shave oil etc.), light pressure, short strokes, razor angle and good lather are all key elements of a successful shave. Good me when I say that the shaves will only get better
Welcome to TSR, all sound advice above. Learn the direction in which your beard grows, do your beard prep and above all take time to shave. It's not a race but an almost meditative experience to be relished.

Keep at it, don't get discouraged by occasional setbacks, it will all click for you one day.

Thanks mate , on nights I will be back on soon
Welcome Paul - you'll get some great advice here. Don't give up!
I wont Mel and thank you !