not the best start!

Warrington UK
Hi all. Paul in Warrington here, hello. I have been using Mack 3 ect for many many years. Over the last few weeks i have been buying DE shaving stuff after looking for advice on forums like those hear. Well ok i have my murkur 34 , the blade it came with , against the advice of some, a badger brush ,akro soap and bowl, Turkish salt block thingy and sensitive balm ! I think i may have had the wrong angle plus a bit worried about slicing myself ! Anywho got bad shave rash on my top lip, never really had it there before and on my neck, a common problem for me. I did all the pre shave right , had a good lather but it was not a great start . I wont be giving up and maybe i just need more practise...... any advice would be great, cheers in advance fellas Paul, oh and PS did not come out with a close shave either!
Welcome Paul. Merkur blades, absolute rubbish. Bin them and buy some Astra SP's to start with. Do you have your lather spot on? Arko is a good start anyway. Unless it is, you are on the road to nowhere.
Pressure, everybody starting does it, it's what's causing your razor burn, and those blades won't be helping. I'll give you the advice I took, keep the width of an atom between your face and the blade. You should almost be using pressure to keep the razor OFF your face.
You may also find your skin over sensitive to the balm, stick to the Alum block for now.
Oh, and NEVER stop asking questions and take all the advice you can get. We're all here to help and we've all been there!
Hey Paul, be welcome.

Not sure what blade comes with the Merkur but I reckon that you might have something that's less than, well, less.
Alternatively, when I bought my EJ 3D it came with Feather blades (seriously sharp)... A great blade for me early on was the Astra SP (I've since played with others, Gillette Super Sharp (yellow packet) and the Russian Voskhod is stunning in everything I've tried it with - link to a seller of good repute).

Oh - when I was choosing razors, I found the odd reference to blade alignment being out on some 34's - check to see that it's equally exposed across a cutting edge.
Well, you've got perfect tools to do the job with.

Some things to think about:
  • Prep - Clean your face and ensure that your skin/beard is well hydrated. Many shave after a shower to help with this. Some swear by pre-shave products and hot towels.
  • Lather - Watch videos and experiment until you get this right. You do not want a thick paste. I would personally stick to bowl lathering for a couple of weeks to work out soap and water quantities, amount of time required to build a slick, stable lather etc. Arko is an excellent soap and, to be honest, all you'd ever need. Test and compare shaving with cold vs. warm/hot water.
  • Angle - Pay attention. Too far one way and you'll be scraping layers of skin off your face. Too far the other and the blade'll barely cut. Each razor has its own sweet spot. Fortunately, the 34c is one of the most intuitive razors I've owned.
  • Pressure - Minimal. Enough to make contact and guide the razor head but little more. Unlearn the habits picked up from the Mach 3.
  • Passes - Stick with two passes. One With The Grain (WTG), the other Across (XTG) or Against (ATG). It is worth having a good look in the mirror (or taking photos) to see exactly how your beard grows. This is referred to as heard mapping. If your skin feels particularly delicate then you may need to stick with shaving WTG for the time being.
  • Post-shave - Give the alum a go but don't be scared to sack it off at some point. I never liked it (witch hazel is my poison!). Rinse your face thoroughly after applying it before you put your balm on.

Two final tips: 1) Don't chase 'BBS', 2) Blades aside, buying new products won't dramatically improve your end result at this stage.
I'll happily send you a range of blades to try as well. PM your address if you want.
Hi Gordy thanks for your reply. Think my lather is good and the balm is fine as i have been using these for weeks with my Mack 3. I will get some new blades, i do think you advice about pressure will help so thanks. Sorry ? you will send me blades? do you work for TSR ? All good only asking, thanks again...Paul
Thanks for your reply mate. I think the blade and pressure is the problem. I will try out others that are being recommended. What is BBS ? Regards Paul
Apart from 'NO PRESSURE', I'd also recommend that you know your face. Find out which directions your stubble grows and then initially shave WTG (with the grain) only, until you get the hang of angle and NO PRESSURE. Even if that complicates the shave a bit, your face will thank you for it. I always recommend to watch this video by @Kevy:
If you still have trouble, come back and ask.
Thanks Tom, i will try the Astras. Funnily enough when i put the blade in today i thought the alignment looked off . I took it out and did it again and it looked fine. I intend to get all my stuff online but can i get the Astra SPs from Boots ect ? Thanks again mate, you guys sure are fast and friendly!
Thanks mate will do !

But you were getting razor burn from your Mach 3? That's what I meant about the balm, it's not always the best for skin that is THAT sensitive from over pressure or what have you.
Regarding the blades, no I don't work for TSR but you'll find this is a very generous place and I'm only returning the favour. I will happily send you a number of good blades to start you on your way. A blade trial will let you establish what blade suits YOU in a particular razor.
We have all been where you are and we want to do everything in our power to take you to the level that most of us enjoy. I went from this with Mach 3 -

and I'm getting so much enjoyment out of what has now become a hobby. I'd struggled for 28 years before I found this place. It's been two years past in February and it has changed my life, it's been THAT much of a difference. Every shave is that elusive BBS, baby bum smooth although many including myself just refer to it a dolphin smooth.