noob from Southampton



Evenin' all
Just a beginner with the straight razor, found my granddads in a box and I had forgotten he gave them to me, so got 3 vintage [pre 2nd WW] razors that I am going to send off to get shave ready. They have a very interesting history. At the moment I am using one that is already shave ready but only cost £40 so if I bugger the edge up when I strop it it won't be too heart breaking, seems to be okay so far! I am only shaving the sides as far as my jawline at the moment until I get used to wielding the razor, the rest, around the mouth, the neck and the chin, I am doing with a safety razor. I look forward to getting tips tricks and learning to shave from people more experienced.
Thanks for reading
Welcome to the forum

My grandfather gave me his father's straight when I moved to Glasgow, but I have never used it.

I should really dig it out and find out a bit more about it.

Enjoy your stay chap!
Hello and welcome spadino. Always pleased to see another cut throat user join the forum, just be aware, please, that pictures of your razors are mandatory, so that we can stroke our shiny chins, argue amongst ourselves about them, and come to no conclusion whatsoever.

More seriously, there's a lot of good stuff to be found in the straights board, and if you haven't done so already, have a read of Neil Miller's stickies.
Hi and welcome Spadino! What Andy/Arrowhead said - a lot of good straight info (not that the others, DE users, are gay or something :|) in Neils stickies!