No Swirling Allowed (According to Simpsons)

I can understand the warning that natural hair could become tangled and break during swirling, but only if, as has been said, that you're 'trying to shine a penny.' Synthetic fibres seem to be more resistant to breaking, which is another reason to use synths -- although you're not going to be able to spend what Simpsons charges for a brush
The instructions that came with my Thater 3-band recommended against face lathering as beard stubble is coarser than badger hair. I guess this might be so if you're Desperate Dan, but that advice seems a bit extreme to me. I agree that such language is exculpatory on the part of the maker, but I do think there is an element of the maker wanting the user to get the best from a brush. Regardless, I face lather and I swirl, but I don't mash or otherwise abuse my brushes.
Only a bloomer wearing girly boy buys a Simpson brush IMO. The modern synthetics put these Dead critter brushes to shame.! I mash & swirl & bash my Razorock synthetic everyday & not one single problem. You need to give those critters a decent burial.!!
I guess I and many others are bloomer wearing girly boys then, lucky I got it for a decent price! Thanks for the compliment.
I'm all in for swirling the brush, otherwise a good lather is next to impossible to achieve.
I haven't been SE&DE shaving for long, but I've been a wet shaver all my life.
For the last 7 years I used a 2nd hand best badger Kent a friend gave me, only swirling and actually abusing it and it still is in a good shape with a nice bloom to it.
The horse hair Vie-Long (I have 2 the short and the long knot) tangle up every time I swirl them. I hate having tp run a spike countless times through it to untangle it. I ordered a silvertip knot and I'll replace the horde hair with it as I love the wooden handle.
My absolute fave is a Plisson synthetic.