No more American BS acronyms.

Boab said:
surely most people will take it as read that everyone will experience a difference in products used so does YMMV need to be added on all posts giving out advice?
Cos of all the threads asking - "best shave soap in the world ever, period?!?!", some posters just did not seem to get it that there was such a huge selection of products, and the requirements of each user could be different and that there is no such thing as one size fits all. I blame it on computer programmers and Star Wars geeks...........light the blue touch paper and retreat :lol:
hunnymonster said:
B&Q - is something like Block & Quick - or was 900 years ago - now it's "crap piled higher than you can imagine"

Close! Block & Quayle actually. I had a weekend there job there ages back and it was something we were told on our first day. Well done for getting back to me PDQ.
Funny, I just posted in the DE section and reluctantly used RAD, but I put it in quotes to show some disdain. I don't really like net acronyms unless they are inside jokes and funny ones at that. I am American, but I am a snob.
Nothing personal there G clearly I am generally in favour of their use but not to the possible alienation of new members. What I do not like is the adoption of U.S acronyms by default and have no cultural heritage here and as we are part of something new I thought it might be sensible to think about it and offer British alternatives. Some may not agree or like the idea but I believe their use is inevitable and like part of any new language that is learnt will do nothing but enhance your'e experience here. When I first joined B&B of course, I knew little of the acronyms used but over time I learnt what they mean't and grew accustomed to their use and enjoyed using them. If the membership remains static then acronym use will be rare because we mostly know each other and we have been through our AD's. If new members arrive with a desire to learn and experience more about wet shaving then I will not be typing out "acquistion disorder" if they are showing symptoms just like I will type SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) when refering to the wife.
I don't really like the term 'acquisition disorder'. It makes it sound like there's something wrong with you. It's human nature to enjoy collections, whether it's albums, paintings or butter knives, so I personally would like to see a more positive term. Can't think of one off the top of my head, so there goes another pointless post from PC... :roll: