Nigella's Hot Italian Sausages

Once upon a time, (when I had money and friends before my 1st divorce) I would have large food parties. 20ish people. One of the best was the Italian sausages and pasta party where (after the wine or sangria started) the guys would make the pasta from scratch and girls would grind the pork and stuff the skins to make the Sausage. The girl's side of the work area always seemed to have the more giggles!!
Great party idea.
I'd preferably put my hand up it than for it but yeah, I'm follower of your reasoning. Man, I'd do her till the council complained about the smell! Skip the extra virgin olive oil though and really, it's more her white baps I'm interested in....cor.

Whilst on this subject, caught an episode of 'Allo, 'Allo the other day. Love it or loathe it, that Michelle or Yvette (the tall one anyway) was some woman. I turned over the channel just as she was showing Rene a brand new pair of black market black suspenders and stockings much to the delight of the aged cafe users. By 'eck, me eyes nearly popped out me 'ead and him an upside down golfer too.....

Down boy!:icon_razz:
I always had a massive crush on Vicki Michelle (Yvette). She was in an episode of Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads and must have been about twenty at the time. Stunning.

S'all your fault! :angel:

NotTheStig said:
I always had a massive crush on Vicki Michelle (Yvette). She was in an episode of Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads and must have been about twenty at the time. Stunning.

I knew you were a man of excellent taste, Carl!