Nicotine pouches

It's understandable, it's like having your independence and freedom taken away but so can being sent to prison for killing someone while driving while not in accordance with your licence.
I do feel for your mum but it's the only thing to do.

Thanks Paul I will make sure one way or another that’s it’s reported and tell her if they think you are okie to carry on then it won’t be a problem will it but say they have to be informed. We were hoping by bringing it up with the doctor that they would say no absolutely not but they haven’t really helped almost led her to believe it okie
If at some point the doctors think she has the condition under control the DVLA can give back the right to drive but if she's dropping off to sleep at the drop of a hat that time is not yet.

If at some point the doctors think she has the condition under control the DVLA can give back the right to drive but if she's dropping off to sleep at the drop of a hat that time is not yet.

I will tell her that maybe that will offer some reassurance that it’s not does seem to be a bit of a pattern where it happens at certain times of the day in a morning it doesn’t happen it’s late afternoon and evening time and the doctor did say she must avoid these times and stick to 20 minutes max and if she feels tired at all she must get someone else to drive.
It's understandable, it's like having your independence and freedom taken away but so can being sent to prison for killing someone while driving while not in accordance with your licence.
I do feel for your mum but it's the only thing to do.

My nan is 82 on Wednesday. She hasn't got any health reasons why she can't drive, but she's managed to knock off 2 wing mirrors, destroy her fence, and last week reversed into a wall caving in her rear wheel arch and cracking the back light.

She's at the stage where she knows she isn't a good driver, but isn't keen on losing her independence. She only really needs the car once a week when she does her shopping. I think give it a few more months and she will give it up. Every year for the past 5 years I've renewed her insurance and she complains how expensive it is I think she might hang up her keys, but she's pretty stubborn.
Mine is the same, morning, late afternoon and early evening but the mornings are the worst, the thing is it doesn't always follow that pattern.
