Nicotine pouches

might not sound nice but I wish they would revoke hers too doctor said no longer than 20 minute journeys and preferably with a passenger..tbh I dread the day something goes wrong and have made my opinion quite clear to her
It's a notifiable condition and it's up to the licence holder to inform DVLA, if in a RTA you would be found to be driving not in accordance to your licence and all insurance would be void!
Check DVLA website.
Your mum should inform DVLA herself.

She went to the doctor about it a while ago and he stopped her driving while she had a lot of tests done but then told her she was okie to continue for short journeys with a passenger. I’m 100% in agreement with you and have said the very same thing to her but she is adamant she’s okie..I honestly dread something happening
might not sound nice but I wish they would revoke hers too doctor said no longer than 20 minute journeys and preferably with a passenger..tbh I dread the day something goes wrong and have made my opinion quite clear to her
Bloody hell. That's pretty bad on the doctors part. A 20 minute journey could be just as catastrophic as a 5 hour journey, and if she's out like a light all a passenger is is another casualty!
It's not really up to her doctor, she still needs to contact DVLA herself by law I'm afraid, there are a set number of conditions that need reporting to the DVLA by the licence holder and sleep apnea is one of them.

It's not really up to her doctor, she still needs to contact DVLA herself by law I'm afraid, there are a set number of conditions that need reporting to the DVLA by the licence holder and sleep apnea is one of them.

I have told her this I’ve even threatened to report her myself it’s very rare she gets in but it’s the same risk not just to her but to everyone around her including young children walking by I’ve said all this but it’s a loosing battle I can see me reporting her to be honest I’d rather everyone was safe
It would be the responsible thing to do, it's not only her safety at risk.

if in a RTA you would be found to be driving not in accordance to your licence and all insurance would be void!
In addition - depending on what happened - it is highly likely you would be prosecuted.
That's pretty bad on the doctors part. A 20 minute journey could be just as catastrophic as a 5 hour journey
Yeah - don't understand that at all.

She may buck against it but it's the right thing to do.
I miss driving but you've got to do the right (and legal) thing.

She is honestly the most easy going and kindest person you could meet..never has a bad word to say about anyone but the mention of her license being revoked and I’ve never seen anything like it, I understand it must be hard to accept but wow cantankerous isn’t the word
It's understandable, it's like having your independence and freedom taken away but so can being sent to prison for killing someone while driving while not in accordance with your licence.
I do feel for your mum but it's the only thing to do.
